Discovering that each day is unique.
At home, at table, in front of the mirror. There are needs that deserve simple and safe answers. Sisma was created for this: for over half a century, it has been innovating each day with tested, certified and eco- conscious products. To make life easier today and the world a better place tomorrow.

Our Vision
Sisma is interested in becoming a leading company for innovation, quality and sustainability of the service as well as a point of reference with its products and brands for consumers, customers and suppliers.
The Mission
Sisma is committed to providing customer value by combining customer satisfaction, through innovative, quality and sustainable responses, with a governance and business risk management model that integrates ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) opportunities with internal business processes.
The material comes first.
From the raw cotton, our “soft gold” that is bleached, processed and packaged in Italy up to the biodiversity of the wood and all the raw materials: each one contains an authentic story guaranteed by international third parties. Only to give you guarantees.

Simplicity that becomes iconic.
If Samurai has been synonymous with toothpicks in Italy for half a century, Sisma is behind it: it was all designed from the intuition of brothers Enzo and Giovanni Lotti, who, in 1965, launched the fine, resistant and versatile Hokkaido birch wood on the domestic market. An idea that in just a few years went from being an innovative challenge to a widely popular solution, all the way up to being rooted in memory and on the table as an icon that works.
Intuition that becomes a record holder.
Past achievements evolve in present choices. We persevere in thinking, designing, revolutionising, and this is why we are current leaders in the food enjoyment sector: from toothpicks to skewers, from paper and organic plastic plates and straws, at Sisma we have created a world of possibilities with Samurai that stimulate culinary ideas and embrace the future with the courage of those that know how to innovate.

Safety that becomes a model.
True quality needs guarantees: Sisma meets them. Samurai products are certified for contact with food as a result of screening tests for volatile components that confirm the absence of substances that are released from the material. The sensorial characteristics of the food remain intact: the products neither alter the taste nor smell of the food. Simple, safe, sustainable solutions for an environment that breathes, just like good ideas.

Always in safe hands.
Sisma gloves are category 1 PPE – Personal Protective Devices – subjected to strict tests for protection against microbiological and chemical hazards, physical and mechanical aggressions. To always be in safe contact.